Acalycigorgia sp. - Blueberry Gorgonian
The Acalycigorgia sp., commonly known as the Blueberry Gorgonian, is a stunning soft coral that can add a unique touch to any marine aquarium. Its vibrant blue color and delicate, branching structure make it a popular choice among reef enthusiasts.
- Coloration: Vibrant blue, often with a slight purple or greenish hue.
- Structure: Delicate, branching structure with numerous polyps.
- Size: Can vary, but often grows to several inches in height.
- Habitat: Indo-Pacific region, typically found in caves and under overhangs.
Aquarium Care:
- Water Parameters: Maintain stable water conditions, including temperature (72-78°F or 22-26°C), salinity (1.023-1.025), and pH (8.1-8.4).
- Water Flow: Moderate to high water flow is beneficial to prevent debris buildup and promote oxygen exchange.
- Lighting: Moderate lighting is generally sufficient for the Blueberry Gorgonian.
- Placement: Place the coral in a location with moderate water flow and moderate to low light.
- Feeding: While the gorgonian can derive energy from symbiotic algae, supplemental feeding with zooplankton or coral food is recommended.
Additional Tips:
- Acclimation: Acclimate the coral slowly to your aquarium's water parameters to reduce stress.
- Avoid Direct Contact: Handle the coral with caution to avoid damaging its delicate tissue.
- Monitor Water Quality: Regularly test water parameters to ensure optimal conditions.
- Patience: Gorgonians can be slow-growing, so be patient and provide consistent care.
The Blueberry Gorgonian is a challenging coral to keep, and it is important to research its specific care requirements before adding it to your aquarium. However, with proper care, it can thrive and add a beautiful touch to your reef tank.