Pterapogon Kauderni - Cardinalfish
  • Pterapogon Kauderni - Cardinalfish

Pterapogon Kauderni - Cardinalfish

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The Kaudern's Cardinal, also known as the Banggai Cardinalfish or Longfin Cardinalfish, is a very attractive fish with a simple yet sophisticated color scheme and marking. Its overall body coloration is a shimmering silver, highlighted with pearly white spots. Bold, black stripes along the body accentuate the long fins to elegant effect. We...

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Pterapogon Kauderni - Kardinaalvis

The Kaudern's Cardinal, also known as the Banggai Cardinalfish or Longfin Cardinalfish, is a very attractive fish with a simple yet sophisticated color scheme and marking. Its overall body coloration is a shimmering silver, highlighted with pearly white spots. Bold, black stripes along the body accentuate the long fins to elegant effect. We proudly offers captive bred Kaudern's Cardinalfish bred and reared in Indonesia and Asia that are hardier than their wild harvested counterparts.

House the Banggai Cardinalfish in a well-filtered 30 gallon or larger aquarium aquascaped with a generous amount of live rock. Carefully arrange the aquarium landscape to create plenty of caves, overhangs, and crevices as well as an open area for swimming. House the Kaudern's Cardinal with peaceful tank mates as it is a slow and methodical swimmer. Groups of Banggai Cardinalfish can be kept in relative peace in larger systems with plenty of swimming and hiding spaces. Moderate water movement will also be appreciated by the Banggai Cardinalfish.

The Kaudern's Cardinal is relatively easy to breed in the aquarium setting. Once spawning has occurred, the male carries the eggs in his mouth to protect them.

The Kaudern's Cardinal should be fed small quantities of food several times per day consisting of a well-balanced diet which includes enriched frozen brine shrimp and mysis shrimp, along with a quality marine pellet or flake food.


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