No one offers a better selection of healthy marine fish and invertebrates for the saltwater aquarium than Reeffishcenter. From angels, to clownfish, gobies, tangs, wrasse, anemones, Crabs, and more... The finest specimens in the...
Neoglyphidodon Nigroris - Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis
The Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis, also known as the Bicolor Blackmouth Chromis, Blackmouth Chromis, Blackmouth Damselfish, or Behn's Damselfish, is an attractive fish as a juvenile, yellow with two horizontal black bars. The fish changes color to brown and black with maturity.
As the fish matures, it becomes extremely aggressive towards other fish causing problems in selection of other fish to add to the aquarium. A 30 gallon tank or larger is suitable in size for the Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis. It feeds on zooplankton and algae and is prone to disease if proper aquarium management is not practiced.
The diet should consist of a variety of meaty items, frozen preparations, and some vegetable matter.