hw uv apparaat model 350

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The most reliable way to remove harmful bacteria in fresh and seawater aquariums. With the 

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Hw UV Water Steriliser, model 350

The most reliable way to remove harmful bacteria in fresh and seawater aquariums. With the hw UV water steriliser, only the water flowing past the UV steriliser is irradiated. In this way, only harmful microorganisms (germs, organisms causing water turbidity and suspended algae) are destroyed. The nitrification bacteria essential for the biological balance in all aquariums, which adhere to the aquarium filter, bottom of the aquarium, plants and stones are not harmed in any way. Hw UV water sterilisers are provided with a special glass UV protective jacket, which effectively blocks the radiated UV light, but allows the unharmful, visible light to pass through. This reliably protects animals and humans from direct UV irradiation. There is also no danger to the human eye, even when looking directly into the light.

hw-UV-water-sterilizer for seawater aquariums:
- Standard method to optimize water quality and care conditions
- Effectively prevents bacterial tissue damage of sensitive corals
- Coral reproduction is significantly easier (specially through fragmentation) since the risk of bacterial damage to the coral tissue is reduced
- Visible reduction of the risk of bacterial skin infections, fungal problems, and infectious diseases
- Elimination of cloudy water due to algae and bacteria
- Many attempts at breeding that previously failed due to increased microbe concentrations are now possible and successful

hw-UV-water-sterilizer for freshwater aquariums:
- Secret weapon of discus breeders against bacteria and fungi in the sensitive egg batches
- Top-notch water quality just as in the low-microbe pure water regions of local waters
- Visible reduction of the risk of bacterial skin infections, fungal problems, and infectious diseases

hw-UV-water-sterilizer for garden ponds:
Special method to visually clear pond water and reduce germs
- Reduction of the risk of bacterial skin infections, fungal - problems, and infectious diseases
- Elimination of cloudy water due to algae and bacteria

Technical data UV - water steriliser 350:
10 watt UV steriliser
for aquariaup to 350 litres and garden ponds up to 1000 litres
90 % sterilisation with about 300 litre water circulation/hour
99 % sterilisation with 175 litre water circulation/hour
proportion of UV-C radiation = 25%
UV-C power = 2,500 mW
average burning time = 9,000 - 12,000 h
length of unit: about 45 cm.
hose connection: 15 mm
suitable for fresh and sea water aquaria and garden ponds

Several units can be operated in parallel in large aquariums or garden ponds.


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