Aeoliscus strigatus: The Jointed Razorfish
Aeoliscus strigatus, commonly known as the Jointed Razorfish or Striped Razorfish, is a unique and fascinating marine fish.
Key Characteristics:
- Unique Body Shape: This fish has an elongated, blade-like body with a long, slender snout.
- Striped Pattern: It's characterized by a distinctive striped pattern, typically alternating bands of brown and white.
- Vertical Orientation: Unlike most fish, the Jointed Razorfish swims in a vertical position, head-down, tail-up. This adaptation helps it camouflage itself among sea urchin spines.
- Social Behavior: They often form schools, swimming in unison.
In the Aquarium:
- Aquarium Requirements:
- Tank Size: Requires a spacious aquarium with plenty of live rock and coral.
- Water Parameters: Specific water conditions, including temperature, salinity, and pH, are essential.
- Diet: Primarily feeds on small invertebrates, such as copepods and plankton.
- Compatibility: Peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful fish. However, they can be sensitive to water quality changes and aggressive tank mates.
Note: While the Jointed Razorfish is a captivating addition to a marine aquarium, it's important to provide a suitable environment and a stable water quality. It's recommended to research specific care requirements and consult with experienced aquarists before acquiring this species.