Experiments clearly show that
Of all the trace elements found in natural sea water, iodine is associated with the widest range of effects. Iodine prevents goitre as an important component of the thyroid hormone. It also is essential for the hardening of the chitinous shell of crustaceans. Coralline algae deposit iodine in surface structures and gorgoniias deposit it in the axial skeleton. Brown algae also strongly accumulate this trace element.
Experiments clearly show that Tropic Marin® Iod improves the adaptation to light and the colouring of anthozoa, especially of hard corals. Due to its unstable nature in solution, iodine should be added to saltwater aquariums on a regular basis. Tropic Marin® Iod contains iodine in its most effective form, as elementary I2.
Highly concentrated Lugol’s solution for saltwater aquaria
Essential trace element for sea dweller
Exact dosages without prior dissolving
Improves the adaptation to light and the colouring of anthozoa, especially of hard corals
Prevents goitre at fish
Is essential for the hardening of the chitinous shell of crustaceans
Suitable for an aquarium stocked with marine fish, soft corals, LPS, SPS, other filter feeders and/or crustaceans
Add one drop of Tropic Marin® Iod per 50 US-gal./200 l of aquarium system volume in the circulation flow of the system daily. If a dosage day is missed, skip that dose. Do not make up lost days by adding doses together.
Iodine demand increases with aquarium population density. In heavily populated aquaria dosage may be increased up to the maximum dosage.
Maximum dosage: Do not exceed a maximum dosage of two drops per 50 US-gal./200 l of aquarium system volume per day.